Help for vulnerable customers

B&D Energy wants to protect their vulnerable customers and to help reduce fuel poverty by offering them appropriate support.
If you feel that due to reasons of age, health, disability or severe financial insecurity you need some extra help, then please contact us on 0208 227 5960 from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Every situation is different and we can talk with you to agree how we can best help you in your particular circumstance. Some of the things we can do to make your life easier include:
- If you are having difficulties in paying, we can arrange a payment plan to help spread the costs over the year.
- In some cases, we can help you get in touch with relevant support agencies that can assist with your problems.
- We can ensure that all our staff and contractors are aware that you may need that bit of extra care.
- In cases of prolonged supply interruptions, we can supply electric heaters and supplementary lighting to those who need it most.
- We can arrange a password that anyone coming to your home will have to give before you give them entry.
- You can nominate a friend or neighbour to act on your behalf when talking with us.
This list is not exhaustive and we are happy to discuss your needs when we speak.
Full details of our vulnerable customer policy and application form can be found here.